Crochet Camellia Flower Pattern

Camellia flower patterns provide an exquisite touch to your crochet projects, lending an air of delicate beauty. These solitary blooms come in various colors and sizes, ranging from petite to large, adorned with intricate folds or featuring a simple, elegant design. The best part? Creating your own Camellia flower using this pattern is a straightforward and enjoyable endeavor.

This foundational flower pattern serves as a stepping stone to more complex and elaborate floral designs. Perhaps you’ve marveled at the intricately detailed crochet flower arrangements in craft stores. By mastering the art of crafting Camellia Flowers, you’ll find yourself well-equipped to tackle more advanced floral patterns with greater ease and confidence.

Crocheting these delicate blooms allows you to incorporate a touch of nature into your projects. In this article, we will explore the art of creating crochet Camellia flowers and provide a step-by-step guide to help you craft your very own.

Crochet Camellia Flower Pattern
Crochet Camellia Flower Pattern

This charming crochet flower pattern serves as an ideal applique for various projects. Whether you’re working on a cozy hat or crafting a beautiful baby blanket, the Camellia flower can lend a touch of elegance to your creations. Furthermore, if you’re engaged in making a solid granny square blanket, adorning each square with this delightful crochet flower can transform your project from ordinary to extraordinary, adding a touch of spectacle to your work.

Pattern Notes:

Feel free to use any yarn from your stash; it will only affect the final size of your flower. To make a smaller flower, opt for DK (double knit) or light worsted weight yarn, while choosing bulky or chunky weight yarn will yield a larger flower. Adjust your crochet hook size according to your chosen yarn weight. This pattern is versatile, accommodating a wide range of yarn types, including cotton, acrylic, and wool.


  • Worsted weight yarn/Medium 4 weight yarn/Aran weight yarn in your preferred color shades.(I used Bernat Premium yarn – 100% Acrylic, 198 g, 360 yds/329 m – in various shades.)
  • Crochet hook size 5mm/US crochet hook size H


  • dc: double crochet stitch
  • MR: magic ring
  • slip stitch
  • Ch(s): chain(s)
  • st: stitch(es)


Row 1: Chain 40, make 2 double crochets in the 4th chain from the hook. Chain 1, skip 1 stitch, make 3 double crochets in the next chain. Repeat from * to * 14 more times. Chain 2, turn.

Row 2: Make a double crochet in the base of the initial chain 2, 2 double crochets in the next stitch, 1 double crochet in the next stitch. Chain 2, slip stitch in the 1st chain-space. Chain 2, make a double crochet in the next stitch, 2 double crochets in the next stitch, 1 double crochet in the next stitch, chain 2, slip stitch in the next chain-space. Repeat from * to * 13 times. Chain 2, make a double crochet in the next stitch, 2 double crochets in the next stitch, make 1 double crochet in the 3rd chain of the turning chain-3. Chain 2, slip stitch in the 3rd chain of the turning chain again. Fasten off.

 Crochet Camellia Flower Pattern
Crochet Camellia Flower Pattern

You’ll end up with a curly piece. Take one side and curl it toward the center to form the flower. Use a tapestry needle to sew all the layers together at the back, ensuring the needle passes through all the layers.

Video Tutorial

If you’re someone who finds video tutorials more appealing, we’ve got you covered. I highly recommend this in-depth tutorial that’s tailored specifically for visual learners who prefer video content over written instructions. The video was Passionate Crafter channel. You can find the video tutorial here.

The crochet Camellia flower pattern offers an opportunity to add a touch of elegance and natural beauty to your handmade creations. These delicate blooms can be used to adorn a multitude of items, allowing you to express your creativity and add a sense of timeless charm to your crochet projects. Whether you’re a seasoned crocheter or a beginner, the Camellia flower pattern is a wonderful way to enhance your crafting repertoire.

Suggested Other Patterns:

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