Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At My Crafts Ideas, your privacy holds paramount importance to us. We are committed to safeguarding your personal information when you engage with the My Crafts Ideas website and other platforms under our ownership.

We only request personal information when it is truly essential to deliver a service to you. We do so through transparent and lawful means, always with your informed consent. Furthermore, we will always clarify the purpose of collecting this information and how it will be utilized.

We retain collected data for the minimum duration necessary to provide the requested service. When we store your data, we employ industry-standard security measures to prevent loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or alteration.

We do not disclose personally identifiable information publicly or to third parties unless mandated by law.

Please note that our website may link to external websites not managed by us. We have no control over the content and privacy practices of these sites and cannot assume responsibility for their privacy policies.

You are free to decline our request for personal information, understanding that this may limit certain services we can offer you.

Continued use of our site signifies your acceptance of our privacy and personal information handling practices. If you have questions about our data management, please contact us.

  • The Google AdSense service we employ for advertising uses DoubleClick cookies to display more relevant ads on the web and to control ad frequency. For more information about AdSense, please refer to the official AdSense Privacy FAQ.
  • We utilize advertisements to offset the operational costs of our site and to fund future development. Behavioral advertising cookies used on this website are designed to anonymously track your interests and present relevant advertisements. These cookies aim to match your preferences with potential interests.
  • Various partners advertise on our behalf, and affiliate tracking cookies allow us to ascertain whether our customers accessed the site via our partners’ platforms, thus enabling proper crediting and, when applicable, allowing our affiliate partners to provide promotions for your purchases.

User Commitment

Users are expected to use the content and information provided by My Crafts Ideas on the website responsibly and, without limitation, should:

  • A) Refrain from engaging in unlawful activities or actions contrary to good faith and public order.
  • B) Avoid disseminating content of a racist or xenophobic nature, games of chance, illegal pornography, endorsement of terrorism, or actions against human rights.
  • C) Refrain from causing harm to the physical (hardware) and logical (software) systems of My Crafts Ideas, its suppliers, or third parties. Users should not introduce or distribute computer viruses or any other hardware or software that may cause the mentioned types of damage.

Additional Information

We hope these guidelines are clear. If you are unsure about whether or not to enable cookies, it is generally safer to leave them enabled, especially if you intend to utilize features on our website.