Welcome back to My Crafts Ideas, your go-to source for all things crochet! Today, we’re diving into the intricacies of the C2C (corner-to-corner) edge pattern. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner looking to expand your skills, this guide will help you add a polished finish to your C2C projects.
The C2C edge pattern is a technique used to create neat and defined borders on corner-to-corner crochet projects. C2C crochet, known for its diagonal blocks, is popular for blankets, scarves, and other items. Adding a professional-looking edge can enhance the appearance and durability of your work.
Why Use the C2C Edge Pattern?
Aesthetic Appeal: A well-defined edge gives your project a polished and finished look.
Structural Integrity: Edging can prevent your project from stretching out of shape.
Customization: Edging allows for creative touches, such as adding contrasting colors or textures.
Special Stitches
TRCL = (TR, CH) 6 times
CH = Chain
SC = Single Crochet
DC = Double Crochet
TR = Treble Crochet
SS = Slip Stitch
SK = Skip
SP = Space
VST = V Stitch
TRCL = Treble Cluster
Row 1: Â Creating an even foundation. CH3, DC in next 2 DC; (CH3, DC in the same SP as the last DC- corner made). Â 3DC in each square around. Be sure to add the CH3, DC to the each corner. This allows for the odd number required for Row 2. SS into the top of the beginning CH3.
Row 2:
CH4, SK next DC, DC, [(CH, DC, CH3, DC, CH) in the CH3 SP of the corner. DC in next DC, (SK next DC, CH, DC in next DC) Repeat to next corner] repeat around. CH, SS into the 3rd CH of beginning CH4.
Row 3:
CH3, (DC in CH space, DC in next DC) to corner CH3. [(DC, CH3, DC) in the corner SP. DC in next DC and in each CH SP across to the corner CH3.] Repeat around. SS at the top of the beginning CH3
Row 4:
SS in the 1st DC, CH4 (counts as first DC, CH), (SK next DC, CH, DC) Repeat to next corner.[(CH, DC, CH3, DC, CH) in the CH3 SP of the corner. (DC in next DC, Skip next DC, CH, DC) around to corner] repeat around. SS in the 3rd CH of beginning CH4.
Row 5: Repeat Row 3
Row 6: Repeat Row 4
Row 7:
SS into CH space and in next DC, CH6 (counts as DC, CH3), DC in to the base of the CH6 – First VST made. CH2, SK CH space and SC in the next CH space, CH2, SK next CH space, VST in the next DC, CH2, SC in CH3 sp, CH2, SK next CH SP [ VST in next DC, CH2, SK next CH SP, SC in next CH SP, CH2 SK next CH SP] Repeat around. Each corner CH3 SP should have a SC. SS into 3rd CH of beginning CH6.
Row 8:
SS into CH3 of the VST, CH3 (counts as first DC), 2DC in the VST. [(CH, TRCL in next VST, CH, TRCL in next VST) corner complete. 3DC in next VST, CH, TRCL in next VST] Repeat around. SS at the top of the beginning CH3.
Row 9:
SS into next DC, CH6 (counts as DC, CH3), DC in to the base of the CH6 – First VST made. CH2 [(SC in CH SP between 2nd and 3rd TR of cluster, CH5, SC between 4th and 5th TR of cluster, CH3, VST in CH2 SP of corner, CH3, SC in CH SP between 2nd and 3rd TR of the next cluster , CH5, SC between 4th and 5th TR of same cluster, CH2)]* Corner Completed. (SK next DC, VST in the next DC, CH2, SC in CH SP between 2nd and 3rd TR of the next cluster, CH5, SC between 4th and 5th TR of the same cluster, CH2) Repeat to TCL before next corner. Repeat Corner*. Repeat around. SS in the 3rd CH of beginning CH6.
Row 10:
SS into CH3 of the VST, CH3, 2DC in the CH3 of the VST, CH, TCL in next CH5 SP, (3DC in next VST, CH, TCL in CH5 SP) Repeat around. SS into the top of the beginning CH3.
Row 11:
SS in to the next DC, CH, SC in same stitch. [(CH2, SC in next CH SP) repeat 6 times, SC in middle DC] repeat around. SS into beginning SC. Fasten Off.